2017年10月16日 星期一

Software-defined wide area networks Versatile Connections

The term "software-defined" usually refers to a technology that entered the IT market in the 2000s: virtualization. Although virtualization has been customary in a server environment for many years, the question arises as to how such basic structures as wide area network (WAN) routes can be virtualized and what their inherent benefits might be. A software-defined WAN (SD-WAN) comprises multiple components:
  • Virtualization: frees the network from the physical infrastructure.
  • Zero-touch provisioning: allows the timely addition of routes to the virtual infrastructure.
  • Centralized management, automation, and the technologies of dynamic path conditioning.
  • WAN optimization technologies: compression and deduplication, as well as high-speed TCP packet order correction and forward error correction.
REF: http://www.admin-magazine.com/Articles/Software-defined-wide-area-networks

