2018年7月7日 星期六

Security concerns of LXC containers

Security Considerations

Containers use the same kernel as the host, so there is a big attack surface for malicious users. You should consider this fact if you provide containers to totally untrusted people. In general, fully virtualized VMs provide better isolation.
The good news is that LXC uses many kernel security features like AppArmor, CGroups and PID and user namespaces, which makes containers usage quite secure.
REF: https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Linux_Container

Unprivileged LXC containers

These kind of containers use a new kernel feature called user namespaces. All of the UIDs (user id) and GIDs (group id) are mapped to a different number range than on the host machine, usually root (uid 0) became uid 100000, 1 will be 100001 and so on. This means that most security issues (container escape, resource abuse, …) in those containers will affect a random unprivileged user, even if the container itself would do it as root user, and so would be a generic kernel security bug rather than an LXC issue. The LXC team thinks unprivileged containers are safe by design.
REF: https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Unprivileged_LXC_containers

