2017年11月21日 星期二

Check_MK: stable release 1.4.0p19

This maintenance release ships with 6 changes affecing all editions of Check_MK,
1 Enterprise Edition specific changes and 0 Managed Services Edition specific changes.

* 5244 FIX: Activate Changes: Fixed "Has never been activated" status message
* 5478 FIX: fileinfo: fix globbing pattern expansion
* 5443 FIX: cisco_redundancy: Discover 'Redundancy Framework Status' service if device supports that.
* 5445 FIX: apc_symmetra_output: Fixed exception 'could not convert string to float' during discovery
* 5410 FIX: Windows agent: handle section Skype correctly
* 5227 FIX: Checkgroup humidity: Fix swapped lower levels and definition of only one kind of levels

REF: http://mathias-kettner.de/check_mk_download.html

