2017年8月7日 星期一

Linux Container Security

LXC containers can be of two kinds:
  • Privileged containers
  • Unprivileged containers
The former can be thought as old-style containers, they're not safe at all and should only be used
in environments where unprivileged containers aren't available and where you would trust
your container's user with root access to the host.
The latter has been introduced back in LXC 1.0 (February 2014) and requires a reasonably recent
kernel (3.13 or higher). The upside being that we do consider those containers to be root-safe and so,
as long as you keep on top of kernel security issues, those containers are safe.
As privileged containers are considered unsafe, we typically will not consider new container escape
exploits to be security issues worthy of a CVE and quick fix. We will however try to mitigate those
issues so that accidental damage to the host is prevented.
REF: https://linuxcontainers.org/lxc/security/

