2016年12月21日 星期三

HVM vs PV (Paravirtual VS Hardware VM)

REF: http://cloudacademy.com/blog/aws-ami-hvm-vs-pv-paravirtual-amazon/

Traditionally, Paravirtualized guests performed better with storage and network operations than HVM guests, because they could avoid the overhead of emulating network and disk hardware. This is no longer the case with HVM guests. They must translate these instructions (I/O) every time to effectively emulated hardware. Things have also improved since the introduction of PV drivers for HVM guest's. HVM guests will also experience performance advantages in storage and network I/O.

Because Amazon is changing their approach towards the AWS AMI, we have no choice but to address this topic. It is possible that in near future you may see HVM types completely replacing PV types. If this happens it is critical that you make informed decisions today. If you want to know how to create an Amazon AMI take a look at one of our labs.

